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It's just that our performances aren't live and onstage, they're live and onpage. Let me show you how to ratchet up your onpage performance and infuse your writing with the energy, rigor, and passion of the acting profession -- and you won't even have to audition!


I became a successful writer by turning my training as an actor into a handy little bag of writing Tools, Techniques and Tricks that I still use to this day. Click the BUY NOW button to start using them to improve your own onpage performance, or click below for more info!

Sept 23, 2015 — HOOKED available at major online bookstores again!

HOOKED was exclusive to Amazon's Kindle Unlimited

Sept 23, 2015 — HOOKED available at major online bookstores again!

HOOKED was exclusive to Amazon's Kindle Unlimited program for quite some time, but now it's back in the real world and for sale at Kobo, Barnes & Noble online, Amazon and other major retailers. Give it a couple weeks to load back up on retail sites in other countries. In paperback and ebook.

WRITERS ARE ACTORS...'s just that our performances aren't live and onstage, they're live and onpage. Let me show you how to ratchet up your onpage performance and infuse your writing with the energy, rigor, and passion of the acting profession — and you won't even have to audition!


I became a successful writer by turning my training as an actor into a handy little bag of writing Tools, Techniques and Tricks that I still use to this day. Click the BUY NOW button to start using them to improve your own onpage performance, or read a sample to see what's in store!


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When Heinemann publishing first bought Writing Is Acting, they asked me to cut about 4,000 words. Come take a peak at some of that cut material and some new material still waiting in the wings!

We’ve moved recently, leaving the forest and entering the high desert. But of course I brought my beautiful old teacher’s desk with me. I’ve had this desk throughout my career. I figure it’s from the 1960s or earlier because it’s built with sturdy wood, has two pully-outy shelves (one on each side), and it’s as heavy as a concrete cow.


And I wuv it.


Do you need an EDITOR to make sure your manuscript is ready for submission or self-publication?

Do you need a STORY SPECIALIST to help you identify problems in your plot structure, characters or other technical aspects of your novel?

Do you need your book REVIEWED? For FREE?







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