to the
Try clicking on some of the pics! They may give details or link you to a site with samples from that book or cartoon or even links to the games.
All the links aren't done yet, so keep checking back!
Feast your eyes on this visual resume of everything we've written! Well, almost everything. For the sake of space and sanity, we haven't included all 150+ comics or all 300+ Star Trek Universe cards. Likewise, we have no images for the smaller Disney website games (8) and web cartoons (about 15) we wrote that are no longer live. And most of our business writing doesn't have covers. And there's other stuff, too, now that I think about it. But there's enough here to give you an idea!
The images are broken down into categories: BOOKS & eBOOKS, ANIMATION, GAMES, COMICS, and COLLECTOR CARD SETS.
Knock yourself out.
If a link doesn't work or you end up on an unrelated site, please let us know via the Contact tab in the menu above. Thanks!
NOTE: The Cover Gallery cannot be viewed on cell phones. It slows down the site too much.

David "lobbied" hard to get this assignment. He's always liked the original comic, and the minute he found out there was going to be a TV series, he pestered our agent to find out what publishing house was going to do it. It paid off -- we wrote lots of Sabrina books, as you can see.

This Sabrina story got so weird that even our editor had to pull us back. Hey, sometimes fantasy can get, well, a bit too fantastic!

I think it was this Sabrina novel that David and I wrote in ONE WEEK. Sometimes in the tie-in world, you have short deadlines. David and I plotted it together in, like, a day or two, then alternated writing chapters. Then I went through and smoothed it all to make sure the writing sounded the same. Wuff.

Deanna Troy has always been a character that people either love or hate. No inbetween. And in many books, she's portrayed as something of a wimp. We got this assignment because we started the book with Deanna in action, phaser out, shooting the bad guys! (Of course, it was an Academy simulation test, but still...).

Sometimes when you work with a partner, you don't agree. Same with David and me, and we're married to boot! This book... OMG, we had one of the BIGGEST fights over this plot. I mean, yelling and screaming and -- well, it was insane. But we managed it. Whew...

I have bad knees. Really bad knees. And it's because of this comic. Well, okay, it was my fault, but I was adapting the B&theB script into this comic at the time. We lived in a little Glendale apartment, and I fell down the stairs on my knees. Twice. I will always associate this comic with my bad knees. Bummer.


Another Sabrina product! And this was so much fun to write! And since the deadline was sooo short, Simon & Schuster flew us out to New York to work on it with the designers in their offices. Is that cool or what? What a blast.